Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving Put to Bed . . . Here Comes Christmas!

Our Thanksgiving plans had called for Chris, Kelsey and the kids to take their camper to Cleburne State Park on Wednesday, and for us to join them for Thanksgiving Day, bringing along some of the home cooked food for our outdoor feast. However, the closer we got to Thanksgiving Day, the worse the weather forecast became. It was calling for colder temperatures, rain, and even some thunder and lightning. So, to be safe, we decided to move the festivities to our house. As it turned out, Thursday wasn't too bad, and we probably could have had our outdoor holiday. The really bad weather hit Friday and today, Saturday. Today we had very heavy rain, some wind, and the temperature didn't get above 46 degrees.

Calling off the camping trip probably turned out for the best anyway, since poor Clara came down with a sore throat and a fever on Thursday night. It was better for her to be snuggled up at Grandma's house that night, rather than trying to rough it in a camper bunk.

I didn't take many pictures at all -- too busy cooking, eating, visiting and playing with the kids. This picture, though, is of Robert, just after he pulled this quintessential 6-year-old-boy's joke on me (Yes, he turned six years old this week!):

Robert:        What's under there, Grandma?
Grandma:    Under where?
Robert:        Ha ha! You said "underwear"!

Yes, I really did fall for it, which tickled him no end :-)

After the kids left on Friday, I switched gears -- from fall to winter. Since we will be spending Christmas Day at the kids' house, I didn't see a need to have Dan climb up into the attic and pull down the big tree and all the trimmings, just for the two of us. So I put up a very small tree and decorated it with a paper chain that I made this afternoon. It would never do if the family were coming, but it will suffice to bring Christmas cheer into our house for the two of us this year.

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