Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mom Overcomes!

My mom is making great strides (both literal and figurative) at getting back to her pre-fall condition and lifestyle. She does not remember much of what went on during her hospitalization, probably because of the potent drugs they were giving her to control the pain. I think that’s a good thing, because most of those experiences were painful and unpleasant.

Here’s a little summary of her current status:

• She is not in any pain.

• She is using a cane instead of a walker, except when she needs to carry more than an arm-load. Then the walker, which has a basket attached, comes in pretty handy. Next goal: no cane.

• While she was healing, her driver’s license expired. She recently got it renewed and is driving herself short distances now.

• The swelling in her foot has gone down so that she can now wear real shoes.

• She is doing her own laundry and housecleaning, and is in the midst of preparing for company. Her brother and sister-in-law, from Alaska, are due to arrive at her house later this week for a visit.

• Yesterday the visiting nurse prepared paperwork to terminate her home healthcare, because she has regained so much of her independence. (Way to go, Mom!)

• During her recovery, it was discovered that she is diabetic, so she is learning a new way of eating, and is testing her blood on a regular basis. It appears that she will be able to control it by diet, and not need any insulin injections.

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